i want to be

I want to be one of those bloggers who always has something funny and interesting to say. Unfortunately, sometimes, there is just life drudgery and it's not so much blogging fodder. Here are the things that aren't so bloggable, but are true:

I've had a kink in my neck for 3 days now. It's totally annoying

I haven't made my bed for the same number of days (which is very much unlike me)...I think I'm subconsciously punishing my bed for making me wake up with the kink 3 days ago, and won't stop until said kink is gone.

People keep asking me to make them monkey sculptures. I've decided that for each of these commissions I take, I will be charging incrementally until it is cost prohibitive to make such a request. This will ensure that when it stops being fun, people will stop asking...or people will be willing to pay such a ridiculous amount, that I will make it fun if it kills me.

I've been unusually sleepy the past few days. While I'm happy about this, it's a bit disconcerting for an insomniac. Maybe my body is slowly switching to narcolepsy. That would be hilarious.

My heartbroken friend has stopped attempting to win back the woman who jilted him. I am both relieved and sad, because now that he feels the situation is hopeless, he can begin to heal, but in the meanwhile, he's depressed as a human being can possibly be. That sucks.

Would it be rude to go out and start collecting moving boxes to help inspire a more swift moving-out of the roomie?


The Bracelet said...

Just don't stop blogging because you have nothing you feel is interesting enough to blog about. That would be lame and people who do that are retarded.

What's that?

Oh my, I typed right into that one.

Sucks about your friend. Tell him to remember the 90,000 other times he thought something was the end-all-be-all before getting a number of months past it and realizing it was nothing to agonize over after all.

I never fancied you a monkey sculptor. Interesting...

elizabeth said...

i'm not giving up on you blogging again, i know you have it in you.

and yeah...that whole monkey sculptor title is something i'm trying to avoid with the price hiking. it's like a woman who has a cat...vs. a woman with 4 cats...i'm not going to be the crazy monkey lady. i will post pictures of the monkey when it's done, though...and the other fountain i recently installed...eventually

Kelsgarden said...

"I've decided that for each of these commissions I take, I will be charging incrementally until it is cost prohibitive to make such a request. This will ensure that when it stops being fun, people will stop asking...or people will be willing to pay such a ridiculous amount, that I will make it fun if it kills me."

This is hilarious!

And I SO want a monkey sculpture now . . . ;)

{awaiting pictures! as always!}

Anonymous said...

If there's anything creepier than clowns, it's monkeys.
No wonder you're not sleeping.
Okay, having said that... if I ever win a WPT Event or something equally ginormous, I will be commissioning you to create the World's Largest Monkey Sculpture for my lawn.

Jeff Cutler said...

You're going to have to buy a lawn first.

And instead of complaining about that crick in your neck, how about doing something productive like building a sympathy monkey sculpture for your depressed friend.

Oh, I forgot. When you're happy you twist babies. When you're bitter and cricked you pick on slow bloggers and innocent monkeys.

I know your kind!