The Best Thing...

...about having the cutest nieces in the universe is my ability to use them for a "free" post during this month of too-many-posts. Because I know the question will be asked, I will tell you, though I don't really see it either. For Halloween, Lillian was a butterfly. Her paternal grandmother made the costume, and while she is very Martha Stewart (the grandmother, not the baby), she might have missed a little on this creation. The Mr. Potato Head pumpkin by Lillian was much more successful. Violet wasn't quite ready for a Halloween costume yet, but she is festive in orange.


Jeff Cutler said...

You should be applauded for taking these ugly little monkeys into your life and featuring them on your site.

And good work posting each day so far. NO CHEATING! YOU must do your own fair if you start letting the wheezebag post when you're not up to it.