Happy Birthday


I spent the weekend with my man, preemptively celebrating his birthday, which is actually today. Earth Day. Fitting, I think, because the Earth moves around him, does it not? Ok, so that's a little cheesy, but true-ish. I got him a few little gifts, we went to dinner, but the most important gift I gave him was almost mistaken for a drunken utterance.

I actually committed to the move. Together. I got the courage to tell him this after several glasses of yummy wine, so naturally, he assumed I might not have been in my right mind. I was, though. I am writing it here to make it more real. We're moving. Lots of you already know the exact place we are moving to, and I'm sure I will have a lot to write about as relocation 2008 gets nearer. The exact date is not yet decided. I have some loose ends to wrap up here before I make that leap, and he sort of understands that, though it doesn't keep him from causing butterflies and the deep furrowing of my brow by pressing for more details.

We will be going to see some places next month, and by then, maybe I'll have a better idea of when the time will be right. If we can survive the hunt for a place to live. I knew it would be an issue, of course, because I have definite opinions about apartment priorities, which might be slightly different from his. He has called me inflexible about most of them. Ironic for a yogini, don't you think? Still, it's a step up from pig-headedly stubborn, which I've been called in the past. Or he's just more polite.

I think we should have a house warming party. You are all invited (unless "you" are a weird stalker type, in which case, I mean everybody else).


Betty Underground said...

You two should totally start a "He said" /"She said" Blog about your adventures in moving in together!

jremotigue said...


F-Train said...

As explained to me by a married friend, "The only changes that come from moving in together are that the house is cleaner and the sex is closer-by." Of course, he was a dude...

Just don't forget to breathe.

John G. Hartness said...


Kerri Anne said...

Moving! Exciting!

(I want to send a house-warming gift, so send me your new address, you know, whenever!)